Today our parish had a procession in honor of Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe. We walked from downtown Moultire to our parish behind the image of Our Lady, with traditional dancers and while singing folk songs to Our Lady. We weren’t sure if we were going to go, but in the end, we decided to and I am glad we did!
Yes it rained, yes it was cold, yes we were not dressed appropriately (thanks to Margaret E for stopping at home and picking up warm gear to share!) but we had a wonderful time. The little ones did a great job walking, Benedict even fell asleep!
I leave you with this to enjoy:
It’s not too late to enter our got Mary? T-shirt giveaway! It ends tonight on the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe and there is the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe on the back! Please check it out and tell your friends (and if you can…please check out the got mary? website and “like” their facebook page! Thanks!