Living the Year of Faith

In this Year of Faith our Holy Father has given us, we are called to learn the teachings of our faith. smile 

A great way to start: With this Flocknote link, you can subscribe to daily emails to help you study and reflect on the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Also, reading the Documents of Vatican II  is important for those of us striving to learn and live our faith in this Post-Conciliar world. Many things done/taught/believed in the Church today, in particular the Local Church and on the Parish level are are done out of a (sometimes willful) misunderstanding of what Vatican II was about.

For my woman readers, we are called to strive more deeply to live our faith as faithful women of the Gospel! We are the standard bearers of morality in society. We must stand up to that call and live our lives our in accordance to the Will of God. We must also set a joyful example for those around us and in living that joyful example, help bring them to the wonderful teachings of Christ.

We must all remember that though those around us who profess the Catholic faith may not live it fully, that is not an excuse for us to not live it and strive to be examples of it in the world. We must learn and accept fully the true teachings of our faith, and live them, even if it means we lose friends, or that we are ostracized by those around us (our neighbors, fellow parishioners in the pews, our pastors, or our families).

Be joyful! Be happy! Be faithful!

St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross, Pray for us!

Filed under: Catholic, Year of Faith

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