For those keeping track of our lives:

October 2004 – Married & lived on Beaumont Court

October 2005 – Moved to 10th Street House

March 2007  – Moved to Illinois

– Lived in “Oregon Home” for training (Did not unpack a heck of a lot of things, but moved things twice in a month)

– Moved to “New York Home” for actual work and set up our “home” there.

August 2008 – Moved to Ohio

– Lived in a two bedroom tri-plex

March 2009 – Moved to our very own HOME!

What does that add up to? Lots of moving! Six “homes” in 4 1/2 years of marriage!  At least we will be here for a long long time.

On a whim, shortly after C was born, I picked up one of those home magazines at the grocery store. While flipping through it, I found a house in a decent neighborhood going for $15,900. Yes, you read that right. With that home, we were introduced to the world of bank owned properties. That house was not to be. It needed so much work, I was willing to offer $1000.00 for it. However it did open our eyes to what was available in this area. We set out looking at houses that were in our price range.

We found one that was pretty cute and totally redone on the inside. It was in our price range, however, the neighborhood wasn’t the best and the view out of the back door wasn’t too pleasant. So we decided to put that on our list but to keep plugging along. At this point, we contacted an agent and she helped us out quite a bit.

We spent part of an afternoon looking at houses with her. The first one we looked at was nice, 4 bedrooms and huge. However, the current owner just rented it out but was trying to sell it as a “move in now” deal. What? So we crossed that one off of the list. The next few were pretty crappy and one had train tracks in the back yard. There was one that was awesome, but the owners didn’t seem to be interested in making the house available for showing, so we crossed that one off the list.

The last one we looked at was this house. It was bank owned and we knew from experience that those homes tended to need a lot of TLC. Joshua decided to just go in with the agent. I sat in the the car with the kids and a few minutes later, the agent came out and said J wanted me to go in and look at it. One walk in and I was “sold”. It is old old and beautiful. Sure it needs some work (and got quite a bit of it as we moved in and discovered plumbing issues!) but the price was right and when we get the little things done, it will be awesome.

I will post some pictures eventually of the house (like when boxes aren’t all over the place). I do have a question though, how is it that I more than doubled my kitchen space and still don’t have room for all the stuff. Oh well, this is the time to clean. 🙂 More later!

Filed under: General Stuff

1 Comment

  1. Hi Beth!

    Thanks for your comment on my blog! I have been lurking around yours for months now! (That’s how I found the blog about little Faith).

    Congrats on your new house. That is so exciting. Justin and I had lived in four different “homes” before we even celebrated our second anniversary. Thankfully, we bought our house soon after that, so no more moving! Enjoy your new home!


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