On the road again….

Well, we were this weekend. We went back to Indiana to get the rest of our stuff out of storage as well as to visit people that we know. We planned the visit to go from Saturday to Monday, so that we could see my sister in law (Joshua’s brother’s wife) and their new baby after he was born on Monday morning.  My SIL delivered by c-section at 8 something a nice little boy named Blaine Nathan weighing 7 lbs 11 oz (just like his big cousin, Caecilia.)

It just so happened that this weekend Laura had her little baby, a girl and Annie had her baby too, another little girl. (Check thier sites for more details!) I was excited to be able to see both of them and thier babies while visiting Jeremy and Gavra. I know Annie reads my blog sometimes and I read her’s all the time, but we don’t really know each other in real life. We went to the same church and we used to be neighbors. (Heck, J and I used to live in one of her dad’s rentals when we first got married). But still, I didn’t think I knew her well enough to just go knocking on her hospital door. My youngest SIL, Mary Ann pointed me in the direction of Annie’s room. (And if anyone can explain to me how she knows Martin, that would be great). I knocked on the door and Annie had a wide smile and seemed happy to seem me. (So even if you were thinking “What the heck is SHE doing here”, you did a good job covering, thanks!) Seeing Laura was a bit easier, Dan was standing in the hallway eating ice cream and he called her out to see us. We had been told at the front desk that they didn’t have anyone by “That name” regisitered, so it was a pleasent surprise to see him eating away!

After all that we attended to the moving things and got that all settled. The truck is parked in our back yard and I can’t wait to start opening things I haven’t seen in two years. It will be like Christmas! We found a box labled 3T & 4T clothes, so thankfully we don’t have to go out and spend money on new pants for my growing son. 🙂

Oh, and this post would be nothing if I didn’t publically thank the Newcomb family for letting us crash and bring craziness to their house. I always find Michelle a good friend to talk to and a great source of advice.  I did love watching Ken and Joshua make cheese. That was too funny.

Of course, we got to introduce Caecilia to her godparents this weekend. I love the way Mary ohhs and ahhs over babies. I am excited to see them here in a few weeks! Yea!

We got to see Nan, Karol’s godmumma while we were there for a few minutes at the Rectory. She is a wonderful person and we love her so much!

Today I had the kids color pictures to send to their godparents. Karol drew some letters and Ohio for his godfather, Brother Basil as he won’t get the picture until after Easter. The other godparents got pictures the kids colored of Mumma Mary.

I should get back to things, but I wanted to post before I forgot and things got crazy here again.

Filed under: General Stuff


  1. I’m glad you got to see so many folks. I only wish I had been able to see you and your lovely crew, too.

    • Anne! I know! We should plan things a bit better. We will be in Chicago Memorial Day Weekend, any chance of you being around?

  2. Sounds like you had a great visit! Just read what you wrote on my Facebook wall. My kids love any sort of attention, so I’m sure that the smiles were welcomed! Justin, Isabel, and I were going to go to the Latin Mass, too, but got held up and had to go to a later Mass at St. Tom’s. Sigh.

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