May I Present to You:

Benedict Thomas Facemyer

Born on 7 September 2010 at 443 pm

Weighing 8 lb 8 oz and measuring 21 inches

Shortly after birth, being held by Papa. What you don’t see is his Big Sister, Caecilia, pointing and saying “Baby”.

From my phone, sorry for the lack of sharpness. Sleeping after nursing, being weighed and measured along with having vitals checked.

Big Brother, Karol with Little Brother Benedict. Karol was so excited for a baby brother, he danced around the house for three hours tonight.

Me with Benedict after his second nursing. He fell asleep shortly after and has been making baby noises ever since.

Filed under: General Stuff


  1. Aw, yay!!!! Congrats!! I bet he was excited. So beautiful. Love the name! Happy babymoon!!

  2. Congratulations!! He is adorable and has a fantastic name!! You look great, too. Glad all went well — rest and enjoy snuggling your little sweetie!!

  3. Simply precious! Please pass on the ooos and aahhhs from all of us!

  4. Congratulations!

  5. Congrats!!!

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