Monday Musings

Right Now…According to the clock on the wall, 11:45 but it is really 10:41 am. It is sunny and cool outside, just the way I like it.

This Weekend… Started out with a celebration! We sold/closed on the house in Marion on Friday morning. I spend a good part of my day checking our bank account for the funds and checking on things we have been wanting to buy but have put off until we had the money.

I bought or won you could say some gDiapers from a friend on Ebay then bought the inserts. We have a bit of traveling ahead of us and figure this would probably be the most eco friendly way to use disposables. (The inserts are bio degradable and the covers reusable!)

We went out to dinner after Joshua got home then met up with his boss and his family for ice cream. The kids were great when we were out, no fighting with each other and they all ate their food, it was awesome. After we got home, I paid off the balance on a few credit cards, paid the midwife our final balance (the check is in the mail!) and found out that the woman who bought our home had everything switched in to her name before closing, sweet!

On Saturday, we got up and after breakfast, we headed out to pick up a few things that we had been wanting to buy. The first being shelves for the “work room” to store things on. What a difference that makes. Joshua thinks he will go back and pick up a few more for tools and one for the kitchen, for me to store pantry items on. We then headed for shoe shopping, for the kids and for Joshua. Karol is now in a size 10.5 and Margaret is a 9.5! Margaret’s old shoes were a 7, I almost feel bad but I think her feet grew overnight. We also found some clothes for the kids. Karol has some new pants, same with Caecilia and Margaret got a few new shirts and a few dresses. It is nice to have things rounded out for them again. It does take some time to find clothes for the kids these days. So many things are just the smaller version of adult clothes, with themes or ideas that I just don’t want my kids to be exposed to or wearing.

Saturday night, we watched two episodes of CSI-NY and I worked on a project for Vianney Vocations.I booked a hotel for us for  Thanksgiving weekend, as we are going to a wedding in KY. I also started planning a trip to Charleston, SC to visit my sister. I am glad that she lives near us, five hours is much better than 19 to visit family.

Sunday started with Mass then home for brunch. I went to the store after brunch, normally we do not shop on Sundays, but I was out of butter and nearly out of formula, so I headed to Target and then the grocery store. The grocery store had steaks buy one get one free, so I purchased two packages, and boy were they good. We were supposed to fold laundry after dinner, but I fell asleep in the recliner before I could get things started, so that awaits me this morning.
Some Plans for the Week…Find a piano tuner, take the van in to be looked at, work on the Vianney Vocations project some more, meal plan the rest of this month and next, school work and on Saturday, an air show at Moody AFB! Woot!
If I Get Some Time for Myself, I Want to…work on organizing my desk area and set things up for sewing.

Some Prayer Intentions for this Week…in Thanksgiving for the closing of our house.  For priestly vocations and for religious vocations. For those who are struggling in their marriages that they remain faithful to their vows.

Something That Makes Me Smile: Watching Karol sound out words and spelling words on his own!

Filed under: General Stuff

1 Comment

  1. Have I ever told you about I think Karol would have some fun with it. Again, congrats on the house. I can just feel the relief from here!!!

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