{pretty, happy, funny, real}


The  ladies over at Like Mother Like Daughter, started a new thing called, “pretty, happy, funny, real”, check out their blog for more link ups!


Caecilia has the prettiest curls in her hair. Even the Georgia humidity doesn’t seem to bother them.


Happy sleepy baby. He loves his 45 minutes morning nap, post breakfast and diaper change.


After his nap, he decided to chase me while I took pictures, this was his funny face.


Yep, this is what my baking cabinet looks like. Organized? Slightly. I open this cabinet door just about every single day and I go through about five pounds of flour every week and a half. That box up on top, Joshua’s granola making supplies.

Filed under: General StuffTagged with: , , ,


  1. What is happier than a napping baby?? I ask you!


    Happier than a sleeping baby? I can’t think of anything, well maybe a sleeping baby and a mama drinking a cup of coffee, enjoying the quiet. Oh, ha ha, I have three other ones, what is quiet?! 🙂

  2. you must bake all your bread- I am getting there- I am so sick of bread wrapped in plastic!

    I do! The young man at the grocery store was pretty surprised when I said that last night. (I bought three bags of flour and that was cause for conversation!) I whip up batches of no-knead bread and bake it throughout the week. It is easy and makes the house smell wonderful!

  3. Love those curls! And, I am glad to see someone else’s baking supplies look like mine! I like to call it organized chaos!

    Every once in a while, my husband (yes) will go through and organize it for me. I know where everything is and do not have to reach too far for things I need, which is very important!

  4. We have diaper covers just like that one. 🙂

    Thank you! We love those covers, they work well and they certainly do not break the bank. We just slip a diaper in and wrap, no need for pins!

  5. Who took the beautiful picture of Caecilia? She looks so much like you, Beth!

    Joshua took the picture. She was playing in the bounce house at a K of C Dinner. No, most months, our K of C Dinners do not have a bounce house.

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