Love Songs

MamaHen over at Long Days Short Years, has a post about love songs. It is a great little post and I felt compelled to respond. (I usually read but seldom comment on blogs anymore) but here is what I came up with:

I’m probably going to have to sit back and overcome my embarrassment of sitting around listening to songs and dreaming of my future love before I could even come up with that “one” song.

There were songs that were “our song” with previous boyfriends. There were songs in between boyfriends that tore my heart apart because I wanted a boy friend. Then there were the anger filled break up songs, because some guy had wronged me.

I seldom listen to the radio anymore, but if I happen across one of them, I either cringe, or a laugh, because my husband and our marriage is more amazing than I could ever have dreamed about while listening to one of those songs.

I’ve actually turned off the radio before out of sadness because of how much one of my previously beloved love songs fails to even come close to describing the real thing.

Filed under: General Stuff

1 Comment

  1. Beth, yes, you are so right. Knowing now what love and marriage is really all about (still learning all the time though), all those songs and thoughts do seem silly,don’t they? I can laugh about it now, but there is some embarrassement at how seriously we took ourselves. Also, I want to be able to talk to my daughter about these things and let her know how much I have changed since then. I don’t want her walking the path I did that only led to heartache and a depression that took a year to overcome.

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