- Our elliptical machine broke last week, so we ordered a conversion kit for my bike and now I can ride it in the house like a stationary bike. I like it much better and it doesn’t feel like it’s going to kill me.
- If you’ve read my blog for a while, you know that I have milk production issues and supplement the babies with formula using (currently) a Lact-Aid nursing system. This time has been no different, except I seem to have a lot more milk with Peter than I did even with Scholastica. It’s not at the no supplement range at all, but my supply is still here and he’s 9 weeks old today and it seems to be going up. I’m so happy about this.
- We are in the middle of week three of school and I think we are being pretty successful here. There are some days where I have to pull them along to get their work done and some days (okay everyday) there are complaints about how much writing they have to do (well from one kid), but it gets done.
- We’ve been watching the Olympics here as well. The kids love water polo and the horses. I really enjoyed the swimming and gymnastics. I’ve probably have stayed up later than is prudent watching some nights.
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