is devoted to providing support and resources for parents (particularly mothers) who want to raise their children in the best ways – spiritually, mentally, physically. (Or at least that is the plan and has been from the beginning, more though it is a blog about my children and what we do together.)
These ways are often labeled “radical” or “alternative”, but really make most sense to those who practice them.
Some areas of focus are:
– The Holy Catholic Faith as handed down for centuries by the Magisterium.
– Homeschooling, which we consider (for many) the best possible primary and secondary education
– Home birth
– Social justice issues (not tree-hugging, but things like one might read in Rerum Novarum)
– Anything that deals with being a Catholic Mumma and striving to be saints.
Good Morning Beth, I could not find an email so I will introduce myself in this comment…
My name is Jenny and I have been blogging at for a couple of years. God has recently led me to start to communal website for Catholic Women called Suscipio which is Latin for: to raise up, support or maintain. The website address is
I was led to start an encouraging place for Catholic women, not to catch up on the latest Catholic news, although important; no, I wanted this be like an old fashioned coffee clutch, or a sit on the front porch swing visiting as the mood stuck or just enjoying the presence of each other. Here we will read the Scriptures together and discuss books that encourage us in our vocation as a Catholic woman.
I would love for you to stop by.
I would also like you to prayerfully consider contributing a guest post to Suscipio. A post showing the goodness of God in the day to day life of a Catholic women.