San Jose and other things

First and foremost: A big welcome to Joshua to the 30 Club. Yep, today is Joshua’s 30th birthday. This morning, the kids sang happy birthday to him then we headed off to Mass.

For the first time in a long time, we were LATE for Mass.  We arrived at the end of the opening prayer. I blame Father Wagner, he must have started Mass early and talked really fast! It was nice to go to Mass together today. We haven’t really gone to daily Mass together since C was born. It just seemed to cold to take her out. When we lived near the church, it didn’t seem like that big of deal to wrap the baby in a blanket or three and heading to Mass. Now, it just seems cruel to put the baby in the cold car seat then in the cold car for a cold 5 minute ride to Mass. Joshua goes each day, or I go but we seldom go together. It was nice this morning.

Today is also the day Joshua and I met six years ago. He was at the bar, writing down the words to that great Burt Bacharach song “Do you know the way to San Jose”. Father Avram introduced us. Of course, neither of us knew what was in store for us. God is do good.

Edited to add: When I said bar, it was the theology bar at the PCJ.

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