This week is, of course, Thanksgiving. This year we are staying in Ohio and Joshua’s parents and sister will be joining us. To prepare for the big feasting day, I have made a list of things I need to do. I figure a little each day to prevent a stressed out Wednesday or Thursday!
¤ put turkey in fridge to thaw
¤ find stuffing, cranberry, pumpkin soup recipes
¤ clean bedrooms
¤ wash sheets on our bed and spare bed
¤ vacuum upstairs
¤ clean/mop upstairs bathroom
¤ make Grandpa M’s birthday card
¤ work on C’s dress (time permitting)
¤ dust living room
¤ hem fabric for table cloth
¤ hem napkins
¤ wash both
¤ bake pumkin
¤ work on C’s dress (time permitting)
¤ chop celery/onions
¤ make bread for stuffing
¤ make pies (pumpkin and apple crisp pie)
¤ vacuum whole house
¤ work on C’s dress (time permitting)
¤ Mass (9 am)
¤ make stuffing
¤ stuff turkey
¤ make soup
¤ make rolls
¤ set table
Love the new design! Have fun with all the Thanksgiving festivities! I love to-do lists.