Quinoa, How I Like Thee.

I recently saw a recipe involving something called Quinoa. I had never heard of it, or so I thought, turns out it is pronounced keen-wa and I had discussed it with a friend a while ago. I bought a box at our one and only organic market here in our small south Georgian town and headed home. It sat in the cupboard, neglected, because I had not saved the recipe I was going to use it for. This past Friday, I was trying to think of something meatless but high in protein to serve to the family. I like to do rice and black beans topped with cheese, sour cream and salsa, but that is not a big hit here, “dry” has been one of the complaints filed. So I did some searching for uses for Quinoa then put together a recipe. Let me just tell you, it was a big hit.

Check the recipe out over here: Family Hearth

Filed under: Food

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