And the Punishments

Last night, after the rest of the kids went to bed, we sat down with Margaret to ask her why she decided to take a walk. She didn’t give a reason, so we talked to her about what could have happened and why she must never go adventuring again.

In the end her punishment is that she cannot leave the back patio for a week and when that time is up, she is only able to play in the backyard where I can see her from a window. Caecilia received a one day detention to the back patio, and then will have to follow the same restrictions as Margaret.

This morning, we were getting ready to leave on an errand when Margaret told me that she would not play with the armor we brought home from the birthday party for 4 days and 9 nights. When I asked why, she said that it was because she really likes playing with it and it would be good to not play with it, so she can remember to be good.

Personally, I think she decided on it because she was wearing it on her adventure.

One thing about Margaret is that she knows when she has done something pretty bad and really thinks about what she’s done.

Filed under: General Stuff


  1. You are doing a WONDERFUL job! Most kids wouldn’t give up something more to punish themselves! 🙂

  2. Wow – seriously. That’s pretty incredible that she decided on a punishment that fit the crime a step further than what you had come up with. You’re definitely doing something right! LoL. Wow!

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