A Very Long Day

I’m sure my friend Andrea appreciated my text messages from yesterday’s marathon grand day out, so I’m going to share it with you all now.

As you know our kids participate in the South Georgia Strings Project. This program is supported in part by generous donations from many people in the South Georgia area. At the end of the semester, we are invited to play for the Symphony Guild, so off we went. Practice started at 10 am at Valdosta State, so I dropped of the three big kids and took the two little one to Joshua’s office for a morning of fun having. I headed back to campus to collect the other kids then head to the country club where they’d be playing.

They played their pieces beautifully (check here and here to hear) and then we headed out to find lunch then collect the little kids. Karol ended up staying at Joshua’s office, helping out with a mailing while I took the rest of the kids to my midwife* appointment and then to the park for a half hour. Oh, have I mentioned that I’m 35 weeks pregnant and that it was 90 in the Swamp yesterday. To me, anything about 68 is hot right now.

So, after playing at the park for a bit, we picked Karol back up then headed to the Little Flowers meeting/end of the year tea party. The girls finished wreath two and did a great job this year. We modified the program a bit so that all the kids from our family and the other family could could participate as well, so the tea party was for all of them.

After visiting for a while with our friends, we headed back to Joshua’s office where he was catching up on work (as we’d invaded his space for a good portion of the day). I left the kids with him and headed off to get my hair cut as I probably won’t be able to again until December.

So for us homebodies, let me recap that we left the house at 915 and didn’t get home until 630 (the kids and Joshua) and 8 for me. It was a long day.

*The midwife appointment was great. Everything is on target but I’ll admit that I’ve had a lot more body pain with this one and I’m ready to have him/her at any point now. (Holding on for 37 weeks though.) The baby has sat low for a long time, so my sciatic nerve feels permanently pinched, I have an awesome zombie walk right now.

I keep having dreams that I had the baby already and slept through labor, that’s a nice dream to have, eh? I’m a bit nervous to go through labor again and fear that I won’t be able to do it. How is it possible to be in transition a month before my due date? So if you could offer a few prayers for me that my anxiety won’t get the best of me, that’d be great.

Filed under: General Stuff

1 Comment

  1. When your body is ready, a tablespoon of castor oil will get that baby right out.

    And even for non-homebodies, that was a long day. Tell JF Saturday is your day off. 🙂

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