Queen of the May
Six Weeks!!
Is my baby Scholastica really six weeks old already?! It hardly seems like it was six weeks ago that she showed her little face. We had the six week check up with the midwife today and Scholastica is weighing in at 10 pounds 5 ounces and measures 23 inches long.
As the picture tells, she is a happy baby. She seldom cries and when she does, she is easily comforted. She takes well to her brothers and sisters playing with her. Scholastica tends to be awake quite a bit in the evening hours, but sleeps well at night. She goes to sleep around 10:30 after a feeding, then she wakes up around 330 for a feeding, is up until about 430-500, then back to sleep until 730. Most days, of course.
I’ve had to supplement with formula again, but I expected that this time around, so I wasn’t too upset about doing so. I started with at 1130pm the day she was born, so she was not quite 24 hours old, but I could tell I did not have the supply she needed. I am using a different supplementing system this time, the Lact-Aid and it makes supplementing somewhat enjoyable and it is easier than with the SNS. I also am producing more milk than I have before, and that has been very encouraging and exciting. (TMI alert: Each diaper that I change that is very much breast milk poop, I cheer about!)
Her big brothers and sisters love her. The two older ones love to walk her around the living room for me while I am trying to finish up dinner or make lunch. Scholastica stops crying when they pick her up, but I think part of that might be out of fear ;). No, really, they are pretty helpful in many ways. The younger two love the baby as well, Benedict loves to kiss her and hug her. He likes to poker her eyes as well. Caecilia likes to stare at her, and makes requests to look at her eyes.
Now she needs to eat! Happy Friday!
Big Brothers!
Checking In!
Three and a Half Weeks 
Yesterday my midwife-friend stopped by to drop by some paperwork and took a few pictures. I then lifted them from Facebook. While here, she weighed Schola to see what she was coming in at these days: 9 pounds 2 ounces. I measured her this morning and came up with 21 inches. So she’s gained a pound and grown and inch in just over three weeks.
A Dose of Sunshine
I sent a picture of Scholastica sitting on my lap while outside to a my mom, my sister, and my friend. Each of them replied shortly after with some comment about the sun and how they missed it or they had no idea what it was. So then I sent them a picture of the sun.
Spring took a while to come to South Georgia, and when I say spring, I mean summer to those who live in the North Country, as it has been in the 80s almost all week. I’m not so sure I’m excited about “Spring” because it means Summer is right around the corner, but I am thankful that it took until almost the middle of April to show up!
Pray for Vocations!
There is a neat new website where you can sign up to pledge for vocations! The goal of Invisible Monastery is to organize continuous prayer for vocations, as suggested by the Vatican.
If you feel called, you can sign up via the link above. You will be asked to enter your diocese, how you will pray for vocations, and your name. You can also see how many other people are praying for your diocese when you select it.
Super Snuggly Baby
Easter Baby!
Last night, Scholastica was baptized at the Easter Vigil. We did not get any pictures, mostly because we forgot about taking a camera, and partly because we didn’t think to arrange for someone to take a picture during the Mass. I promise to get a picture of her in her gown, even if it means I have to put her in it today.
Here she is, though, today, basking in her baptismal glow!