Pretty Margaret is showing off the picture she colored today of Jesus washing the feet of one of His disciples.
Was ist das?
Home made marshmallows! I made them yesterday and plan on cutting and dipping them in chocolate for Easter.
I mentioned last week that I go through a lot of flour around here. This is my baking cabinet auxiliary and flower was buy one get one at one local grocery store and a dollar off at another, so I stocked up. I have 10 bags there.
Ah, the toy area. We tend to clean up two or three times a day, this is what it looks like before I, usually, call for a five minute blitz.
Das sind Marshmallows. 🙂
Ja wohl!
I still need to try making marshmallows, someday. I hear you on the toy mess. I moved our toy storage to my room so that wouldn’t happen anymore!
Your baking cabinet picture could be my own! Glad to “meet” a fellow baker 🙂
Wow – our supermarket never has flour BOGO!
Margaret is very pretty!
Happy Easter!
Happy Easter!
Yes, our grocery store had it BOGO, which I will gladly take as they hardly ever put milk on sale. 🙂