An Introduction

I want to introduce you all to a new blogger in the blog world. I met this woman, in real life, just about 10 months ago, shortly after we moved to Georgia. She was the apprentice to my midwife, so I can honestly say that she got to know my belly, my blood pressure, my weight and my other check up stats before we got to know each other. She was at Benedict’s birth (she had taco bell for lunch that day, something I am sure she 1. doesn’t expect me to remember and 2. didn’t expect to have as I didn’t except to have a long labor!)  She took a picture Benedict on his way out and called the time of birth at the same time, she is that talented.

However, it was only after she stopped by to pick up some diaper covers for her new baby, five months later, that we discovered that we really had a lot in common, being Catholic, homeschooling and totally in to home birthing. While I am in denial that she is 11 years younger than me, she has become a true and good friend down here in South Georgia.

Edited to add: We have also been asked to be the Godparents to her beautiful little baby girl, Luca.

(I stole this picture from her blog, mwahahahahaha)

So, without further ado, I introduce to you, Cassie @ Beginning with Faith.

Filed under: General Stuff

1 Comment

  1. ::blushes::

    You forgot to mention that you’re my baby’s Godmother!

    you are right, I will go back and fix that

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