1. I’m back, I think I can do this! 🙂
2. The birth kit stuff has arrived as well as my Lact-Aid (two days after I placed the orders!!) I haven’t actually opened the Lact-Aid yet, but I have pretty much figured out how to put it together, thanks to youtube. The other day I was thinking this baby doesn’t feel like he/she is coming anytime soon, but last night, there was a lot of moving as the baby reminded me that time for his/her debut was nearing. I am sure the baby has dropped as I’ve increased my trips to the bathroom.
3. Tomorrow we have a planned trip to Target, to pick up odds and ends for the baby and the house. Margaret needs yard shoes again. The girl is so quiet about her needs, she didn’t tell me that her yard work shoes are missing the top. I don’t know how it happened, but noticed it last weekend, so they need to be replaced.
4. I washed a load of diapers last night. To be honest, Benedict is mostly potty trained, so this chore is done veryĂ‚Â rarelyĂ‚Â now. Somehow, though, a crayon got into the load. Let me tell you, that was fun to find in the dryer this morning. Thankfully it was just the diapers and a few covers and not Joshua’s work clothes, which were the load before. I got most of the crayon cleaned out though.
On the bright side of all of this, the diapers were the last load I needed to wash and all the laundry is done and folded. Well, insofar as the laundry is “done”.
5. Tonight we are going to Mass, then staying for stations and confession. There is a chance for adoration as well, but I am not sure if we will be able to stay for much of that, because of the little ones. My goal this Lent is to make a Holy Hour with the two older kids. My prayer intentions for this evening will be for our Holy Father.
6. Have I mentioned that we bought more chickens? We ordered 15 baby chicks and they’ve been camping out in the toy room since January. We lost one yesterday, just a bit sickly, and died during the evening. Karol was sad, but part of the reason we have chickens is to help the kids learn about life and death. One of our outdoor chickens was not accounted for one day last week when and did not make it back in the coop. Sadly we found that on the next morning, the victim of a wild animal. So we are down to 9 layers and a rooster, plus the ones in the house.
7. I blogged about this giveaway yesterday, check it out!
For more 7 Quick Takes, check out Jennifer’s blog.