What have you heard about Dr. Paul and his beliefs? What have you heard about his plans for our country, if elected President? Have you relied on second or third hand accounts of his words? Have you heard that he is for legalizing drugs and prostitution? Have you heard that he is an isolationist who does not the United States of America involved with others countries whatsoever?
Here are some sound bites from various debates or interviews Dr. Paul has done, as well as information found (very easily) on his Presidential Campaign Website (www.ronpaul2012.com)
On Drugs and Prostitution (Video)
On National Defense (link to his campaign website)
On Abortion (link to his campaign website)
On Homeschooling (link to his campaign website)
On Homebirthing here and here (the second link is a few quotations from the video, the first link)
It all comes down to freedom!