Ron Paul

What have you heard about Dr. Paul and his beliefs? What have you heard about his plans for our country, if elected President? Have you relied on second or  third hand accounts of his words? Have you heard that he is for legalizing drugs and prostitution? Have you heard that he is an isolationist who does not the United States of America involved with others countries whatsoever?

Here are some sound bites from various debates or interviews Dr. Paul has done, as well as information found (very easily) on his Presidential Campaign Website (

On Drugs and Prostitution (Video)

On National Defense (link to his campaign website)

On Abortion (link to his campaign website)

On Homeschooling (link to his campaign website)

On Homebirthing here and here (the second link is a few quotations from the video, the first link)


It all comes down to freedom!




Filed under: Social Commentary

Pray for our Priests


August 5 is the celebration of the Feast of St. John Vianney, also known as the Cure d’Ars. St. John Vianney was a simple man, who struggled through studies to be ordained a priest. He transformed a town ravaged by the French Revolution into a devout town and became famous as a confessor. It is told that this holy man often spent 18 hours in the confessional each day. He told his parishioners, and other who came from areas far and wide, the hard truths and expect them to adhere to those truths.

St. John Vianney is the patron saint of parish priests. On this his feast day, let us remember to pray for our priests, that they live the office of their vocation faithfully.

Filed under: Catholic, General Stuff

God is Good.

Today, we spent time at our new friend’s the Schay’s house. Their little baby, Alan was baptized today! Yeah, a new soul for Christ. Karol loves that little guy too, loves him. For Baby Alan, Karol drew a picture of Our Lady and Jesus (with a crown of thorns) and gave it to him at the party.

The kids ran and played and ran and played some more while we were over there. We headed home after a few hours but stopped to pick up milk on the way. While Joshua and I were getting dinner together, Karol took the compost bucket out to the pile (that is one of his chores) then came running back in crying and saying “Snake!”.

Joshua went out to investigate and I followed. There, mere feet from the compost pile was a snake of unknown order, coiled up and looking very menacing. Karol had dropped the bucket probably four feet from the snake when he discovered it, to make his run for it, and for that I am eternally thankful. Joshua grabbed a shovel and killed the snake then Karol told us what happened when he saw the snake. From what he said, the snake opened his mouth at Karol, {shudder.}

I know Karol’s Guardian Angel was working triple time today as the snake, we are pretty sure was a water moccasin, which are very poisonous.


Filed under: General Stuff

{pretty, happy, funny, real}

~ Capturing the context of contentment in everyday life ~
Every Thursday, at Like Mother, Like Daughter!


I have been talking about eShakti for a while now and I hope I do not bore you all to death. Here is another dress I ordered and plan on wearing to the wedding we are attending next month. It fits so perfectly and is a nice light-weight material, perfect for summer! (Or, if you live in the South, for most of the year!)

It is slightly wrinkled, even after smoothing things out. Does anyone have any suggestions for helping to keep the dress from wrinkling when I sit?


We had a ton of rain last week, a total of 4.69 inches fell in just over 48 hours. This was Friday evening, after the rain stopped for a bit. As you can see, we are the cool parents. Well, it was actually Joshua’s idea to let the kids run around in the puddles. They loved it!


I hope Benedict forever has funny smiles and great squeals!

I think he is trying to lead the marching band through the water puddle.


Yes, real(ly) pretty, real(ly) happy, real(ly) funny and real(ly) real.

Filed under: {pretty, happy, funny, real}

Melt My Heart

“Mama, did God make me to give you flowers? Because I like to give you flowers”.  – Karol Jozef (5)

Last night he was getting ready for bed and came to give me a hug and kiss. After hugging me, he asked me if I I had a baby in my belly. When I told him no, his face got a little sad, the he brightened up and asked for a baby. When I asked him if that would make him happy, he said that it would and he said lots of babies would make him happy.

And it is true. That kid is all over babies like white on rice. This weekend we had dinner at the house of a friend who just recently had a baby. Karol hovered around that baby like nothin’. He was in heaven when he was allowed to hold the wee guy.

Filed under: General Stuff

We are getting a little bit of rain today.


Front yard, no we do not have a pond or a fountain in our front yard, usually.

This is right outside the back door. The goldfish pond is not currently being used so it is empty. The pool had just a week bit of water in it this morning, just a wee bit.



The storm blew up this afternoon and has been going on for about an hour now. For a while I could not see more than an 1/8 of a mile, but now it is clearing up a bit.  We lost power last night, so I got dinner made as soon as I saw the clouds coming in.  The lightning has been pretty close but we haven’t lost power yet! The thunder is amazing, I do wish I could share it with you all.


Filed under: General Stuff