We’ve Moved!

Image may contain: one or more people, people standing, sky, outdoor and nature

Image may contain: 4 people, people smiling, tree, child, hat and outdoor


Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, grass, outdoor and nature


Image may contain: indoor


At the end of June we went to Baltimore so Peter could meet his god-mama. While we were there we had a showing on our house and received an offer on it. Because of what happened last year, we were very hesitant to get excited about it and kept waiting for the other shoe to fall. As we passed each step, things got more and more real, then it was closing day. Then we moved.

We arrived back in Indiana on August 2nd. It was a crazy trip up with a U-haul with a car trailer, a van with an enclosed trailer, and my mini-van with a trailer. It took us 19 hours but we got here and are working on getting settled.

In the just over two weeks we’ve been here, we’ve done a lot of things, including a 30 mile pilgrimage for Our Lady. Don’t be silly, I didn’t do it, I was on little kid duty, but Joshua and the three big kids did! Joshua and Karol walked all of it and the older girls did about 90% of it. I was very impressed with them.

We are so thankful to be back in Indiana and with friends and family again, God is so good to us.

Filed under: General Stuff

Easter Thursday

Happy Easter! Here’s a picture from before the Vigil Mass. The gnats were bad so it was hard to get a nice picture of them all making nice faces. I picked this one because Peter looks cutest in it.


Image may contain: 7 people, people smiling

Filed under: General Stuff


Peter napped by himself today.


Peter napped by himself today.

This has happened one other time in the history of Peter and that was when he was maybe two months old. Today he had his bottle while on the floor (as it was supposed to be a snack while I finished up a chore), he drank for a minute, rolled over and fell asleep…and stayed that way for an hour.

Maybe, just maybe, this will become a thing?

Filed under: General Stuff

Pictures for my Non Social Media Friends

Image may contain: 1 person

I found this gem on my phone. I’m not even sure what’s going on in it, but Caecilia with the comb made me laugh.

Image may contain: 1 person, standing and indoor

Scholastica had a feast day last week. The best part about having a child with a very rare name? Lots of people get excited about her feast day and pray for her all day long.

Image may contain: 1 person, food

Margaret made these cookies and then took the picture. I’m not even sure how to do that. Those cookies were really good, even though she forgot the butter.

Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, child, baby and closeup

I have blue eyes, Joshua has brown. Karol is the only one whose eye’s stayed blue. I’m really hoping Peter’s do as well.

Image may contain: 4 people, people sitting, table and indoor

From Catholic Schools Week. This photo is totally staged. If I had them do their school work all at the same table, there’d be lots of fighting.

Filed under: General Stuff