- The time of the baby is drawing near! We have settled on baby names as well and have godparents! The baby naming took a bit of time, and since we are convinced we are having a girl, I figured we needed a solid boys name as well, because I just know if we don’t we will have a boy. If found out in the discussion of names that Joshua wasn’t sold completely on the middle name for a girl, so we discussed that and changed it. They are solid names, I promise and no, we don’t share before the birth.
- I’ve had hives since Wednesday. There isn’t much I can do for them, except monitor them and take allergy medication if they get annoying. They aren’t too bad this morning, but if I stand for too long, they flare up on my legs. I imagine that is because of blood moving there? Who knows. All I know is that I want them to go away and I’m not very good at offering up all over pain. 🙁
- The items I ordered from Target and Amazon are either here or on their way. I also ordered a few more supplies for the birth, mostly post birth things we will need.
- I had an appointment with my midwife on Monday and all is well. The baby’s heart rate is around 130, my blood pressure is good, and everything else looks wonderful! Now if these hives would just go away.
- I’ve posted before about my nursing issues, that I don’t produce milk, and I have to supplement. I joined an online support group, mainly for help in using the Lact-Aid I bought, but I’ve found the women to be very helpful. I long ago moved on from the sorrow of not being able to fully nurse my babies, but sometimes it is nice to hear from other women who have had this problem. We are 99.9% sure I have this. It is rare, thankfully, but something that even lactation consultants aren’t really aware of.
- Is anyone else having sticker shock at the gas pump? Between loss of the Social Security tax holiday and the increase in gas prices, our budget is pretty tight. I am thankful for Joshua’s job and for the side work I do for his company as well. I am also thankful for Impressus Art, because even if it doesn’t make us rich, it provides when we need it. (And shameless plug, if you know a seminarian who is being ordained this year, or know a couple who is getting married, we do holy cards, invitation, and programs.)
- In less than a week, we will be saying our final goodbyes to Pope Benedict XVI. Today, on the Feast of the Chair of St. Peter, let us pray for our Holy Father and for the yet unknown, future Pope.
Long live the Pope! His praises sound again and yet again:
His rule is over space and time; His throne the hearts of men:
All hail! The Shepherd King of Rome, The theme of loving song:
Let all the earth his glory sing, And heav’n the strain prolong.
Let all the earth his glory sing, And heav’n the strain prolong.Beleaguered by the foes of earth, Beset by hosts of hell,
He guards the loyal flock of Christ, A watchful sentinel:
And yet, amid the din and strife, The clash of mace and sword,
He bears alone the shepherds staff, This champion of the Lord,
He bears alone the shepherds staff, This champion of the Lord.His signet is the Fisherman’s; No sceptre does he bear;
In meek and lowly majesty He rules from Peter’s Chair:
And yet from ev’ry tribe and tongue, From clime and zone,
Three hundred million voices sing, The glory of his throne,
Three hundred million voices sing, The glory of his throne,Then raise the chant, with heart and voice, in church and school and home:
“Long live the Shepherd of the Flock! Long live the Pope of Rome!”
Almighty Father, bless his work, Protect him in his ways,
Receive his pray’rs, fulfil his hopes and grant him “length of days,”
Receive his pray’rs, fulfil his hopes and grant him “length of days.”
For more 7 Quick Takes, check out Jennifer’s blog.