Take a look at this blog post, I found it very interesting with a lot of thoughts to chew on.
Right now…1053am, 67 degrees and sunny. I am blogging from the back yard, where the kids are playing. Benedict is on a blanket, playing toys and Caecilia is dangerously close to the fire ants, the ones that bit her last week, yesterday and most likely, today. (I put the period on that sentence, moved down the next subject and Caecilia started screaming. Now she is standing over near the ant hill and yelling, “No” at them)
This weekend…was busy. We ran errands on Saturday, again. I like doing that together, even if it is crazy with the kids. We started with finding jeans for Karol. Even though spring has certainly arrived here in South Georgia, I thought it would be a good idea for Karol to have some jeans to wear that aren’t floods. We found some good deals at the store on the clearance rack. We also ended up buying Easter outfits for all of them. We found one of those four-piece sets for Karol, with a vest, shirt, pants and a clip on tie. The girls had matching dresses and those were 55% off, good deals. Shoes were a bust, so Karol is squeezing his toes into his dress shoes still, I will probably go online and find something for him, preferably all leather, so they last a bit.
We went to Home Depot to pick up some herb plants and a container. I hate buying cilantro (but love the taste!) and for years have talked of getting a cilantro plant. Well, last week, after I tossed away all but 1/2 cup of cilantro from a bunch that I had just bought, I decided that I would buy a plant and did. I also got rosemary too. I love rosemary, I love the way rosemary smells and love love love the way it tastes! After Home Depot, Target was on our list. Joshua found some pants and a pair of shorts there, I bought two new water bottles as one of our other ones cracked. A few more things and we were off to the produce market. I just needed a few things, fresh fruit mainly.
Our next stop was to look for canning jars, for storing home made yogurt in and I got a tip that Big Lots had them, for cheap. So we headed that way, but first stopped for Confession. We took turns, Joshua went in first while I stayed in the van with the kids, then I did. When I went in, I noticed a young couple with two kids, both under two. Since we do not attend Mass at the parish near our house, I am not familiar with the people I encounter there. I really felt like God was telling me to talk to them and that is something I do not do, ever. So, I decided that I would talk to them, after Confession. I made my confession and came out and they were gone!!! Oh no! I did my penance and left, and there they were, in the parking lot. Yes! I walked over to them and introduced myself and pretty much asked if we could be friends. Ha ha ha. Turns out they are new to Valdosta, stationed at the Air Force Base and have been here a week. So we exchanged information and I hope to get together with them soon. 🙂
After that excitement, we headed for Big Lots and bought the jars, came home, ate leftovers, made yogurt and watched Little House on the Prairie.
Sunday started with Mass, well waking up about 45 minutes before we had to leave, so we were rushing a bit. Mass had no antics of last weekend so that was a relief. After Mass, we headed home, stopping for lunch at Slap Daddy’s because the kids were mostly well behaved at Mass, burgers but no milkshakes as the machine was broken. We rushed home to meet Cassie, as she was borrowing baby diapers from me for her new one.
We met Cassie through my midwife. She as the assistant and we were the first birth she assisted! We visited for a while yesterday and discovered that we had a lot more in common then I realized! We also got to see our midwife when she stopped by to meet up with Cassie. That was a wonderful visit, really wonderful.
Did I mention that it was sunny and 80 all weekend? We had windows open and slept with them open and ceiling fans blowing, it was great.
Some plans for the week ahead: We have a meeting at Church on Thursday to discuss future planning for the parish. I am very excited about this! I also need to buy a gift for a birthday party this coming weekend, I am very excited to find this little boy a gift.
If I find some time for myself, I want to…work on sorting clothes. Caecilia’s dresser is overflowing, but most of the things she cannot wear. Also, trying to find the best way to order grains in bulk and check out some food co-ops. Perhaps butter in bulk would be nice too.
Prayer intentions for this week: In Thanksgiving for the repair on the van not requiring a new radiator. For our friends the Vincents, that they sell their house. For young men and women to turn off the noise and listen to the voice of God in the quiet of their heart.
Something that makes me smile: Karol laying on the merry-go-round at the park, watching the sky spin.
For more musings check here!
I recently saw a recipe involving something called Quinoa. I had never heard of it, or so I thought, turns out it is pronounced keen-wa and I had discussed it with a friend a while ago. I bought a box at our one and only organic market here in our small south Georgian town and headed home. It sat in the cupboard, neglected, because I had not saved the recipe I was going to use it for. This past Friday, I was trying to think of something meatless but high in protein to serve to the family. I like to do rice and black beans topped with cheese, sour cream and salsa, but that is not a big hit here, “dry” has been one of the complaints filed. So I did some searching for uses for Quinoa then put together a recipe. Let me just tell you, it was a big hit.
Check the recipe out over here: Family Hearth
Babies playing outside, diapers on the line (more washing), flowers in bloom, and lettuce popping up!
*Updated: We spent all morning outside. We hung up more diapers together. I think we will have to put up a clothesline the kids can actually put things on. The kids ran and played and ran some more. Benedict even fell asleep on his sheet out there. We finally came inside after Caecilia was bitten by some ants. Poor little thing, she just stood there and made her angry noises. I tried to hose her off, but she ran from me. She went inside where she sat down and happily drank everyone else’s milk. She is the cutest toddler ever!
I apologize for the low quality of the picture, I took it on my phone. I wanted to share with you a bit of Joshua’s birthday party from last night. After dinner, we were clearing the table when Karol informed us that Papa’s cake needed candles and Papa needed a crown. I quickly went to work making a crown, but the cake already had candles in it.
Joshua was very insistent that I not take this picture and only let me if I promised not to post it on Face.Bo.ok. He never mentioned the blog. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
* Today is Joshua’s Birthday. He doesn’t make a big deal out of it, he doesn’t want gifts and cringes when I wish him Happy Birthday. Today we are having pork stir fry and Jell-o poke cake. The cakes are currently stuck in the pan. I am afraid of ruining the cake, so I am waiting for J to come home and help me out. Once they are out of the pan, I will ice them with whipped cream, yummmmmmm.
*Benedict is scooting all over the place. Yesterday he chased a toy car around for 20 minutes and moved from one end of the living room to the other. He gets up on all fours now and tries very hard to crawl.
*Margaret loves her little Benedict. The other day she got to stay up a bit late and we let her hold him and give him his bottle. She sang to him, patted his head and gave him loving. She told us that she wanted to grow up and have a baby of her own.
*Margaret threw a fit today because we could not go to space in a rocket.
*Karol is reading everything in sight right now and is doing a pretty good job of it! He is also learning about odd and even numbers as well as ordinal numbers!
*Caecilia is such a cute little girl. She likes to “suggle” now and brings her own pillow and blanket to do so. She also suggles with her stuffed animals at nap time and bed time. When she wakes up she comes to us and says “Moning”.
*Joshua installed a Boggle type game on our phones and we are able to play against each other, so yesterday and the day before, we were sitting in the same living room, playing against each other. I won most of the time. If I didn’t win, it was because I was distracted by a small child in the middle of a game.
*Last night I ran to the store to pick up a few things for today’s dessert and headed home. On my way home, I saw the temp gauge on “H”. Yikes. I pulled over and tried calling Joshua. He was taking care of Benedict and did not answer the phone. So I sat at the gas station for a bit, waiting for things to cool down, and played Boggle.
*While waiting in the van, with my doors locked and sitting in a well lit area, I was approached by a young man. I cracked the window and he asked me if we could give them a jump, their battery was dead. I said no, and explained why. The young man thanked me, but his friend, who did not hear the conversation gave me an attitude and said “What, you can’t help me, I got the cables”. Uh, no, and certainly not now.
*That reminds me, on our way to Mass two Sundays ago, we passed a woman who was on the side of the road. She looked like she was wearing a police jacket and held her hand up, indicating for us to stop. Now, since we have moved to GA, we have encountered three checkpoints, where the officers are just checking for drivers licenses. Since this woman seemed to be dressed like a police officer, I pulled over. J got out and she asked him if he could push her down the road, 1/4 mile to the nearest gas station. Joshua said he couldn’t as we were on our way to church. I felt bad, but she had a cell phone and the road was pretty busy, so someone else would probably stop and help her. And the road was pretty busy, I would hate to have my husband pushing her car down the road and get hurt….and he is just one guy. So, he got back in the van and we went on our way to Mass. Would you have helped? Part of me feels like we should have, but part of me says we did what we could…and wouldn’t have even stopped if she hadn’t waved us down like a made woman, wearing a police jacket.
*Back to the van, we think it has been leaking radiator fluid for a while and worse case scenario is that we have to replace the radiator. While it isn’t something I want to spend money on, I am willing to do so and thankful that it is something that is not too terribly expensive.
So, how is your midweek going?
Right now…it is 1030 and the sun is shining, 56 degrees out side. Dinner is in the crock pot, making the house smell great.
This weekend…was full of stuff. On Saturday morning we watched the children of Joshua’s boss for a bit then I went to pick up grocery items. I had stops at the organic grocery, the produce market, the regular grocery store and the painful gas station. I was supposed to drop the vacuum off at Sears for repairs, but the traffic around the Mall was too crazy for me to deal with. When I got back from all of that, we put things away, divided and froze extra meat and sat down for a bit to relax before heading out to the K of C dinner.
Turns out there wasn’t a dinner this month, so we ended up going out to eat, finding a new Mexican place that was pretty yummy and had 99 cent Margaritas! After we got home and put the kids to bed, Joshua “surprised” me with the movie “Arthur”. I have to say I haven’t laughed like that in a long long time.
Sunday found us scurrying around for Mass. Joshua cantored this weekend, so we had to be there early, plus I had planned a surprise trip that we were leaving from right after Mass, so I needed to make sure we had all the things together. We did have it all together and arrived on time, praise God!. Caecilia was not good at Mass yesterday, at all. When Joshua got up to cantor the Psalm, Caecilia got all excited and pointed to him and watched him very closely. After the Psalm, Joshua sat down off the the side of the ambo, for the second reading. Caecilia decided that it would be a good time to go get him. She stood up, said, “Papa” and tried to run up to him. We sit in the second pew, so I had to act fast. I grabbed her and she started screaming. I had B in the sling and carried C to the vestibule, where we spent the rest of Mass. She was most certainly a bad baby. I had to laugh though, because what else could I do? Not to mention, our parish family loves children, loves them and are understanding about misbehaving children, so it makes it easier when our kids act up. There is nothing like having a misbehaving child who needs to be taken out and getting glares as you try to take care of the situation.
After Mass, we changed to casual clothes and went on our surprise trip. We drove south to the Gulf and went spent the afternoon at the St. Marks Wildlife Refuge. We had the best time. We didn’t take the camera, so there aren’t very many pictures, and the ones we did get are on Joshua’s phone. I snapped a few with mine, but no pictures of the kids. We walked along the shore line and found a crab for the kids to play with. They loved it. There were some people riding horseback and let the kids pet the horses, which the kids loved. After dinner in Tallahassee we headed home for the night, it was a good day.
Some plans for this week: J’s birthday is this week, so I will make a cake. I have dinners planned out for the week, so I think we will just have a laid back week, catching up on schoolwork.
Some prayer intentions for the week: For our friends who are trying to sell their farm. They have someone who is interested in it and are asking for the intersession of St. Philomena. Also, we learned today that Karol’s Godfather, Brother Basil, will be ordained a Deacon in March, on the 19th, in Norcia. We are overjoyed with this news, and are praying fervently for our dear friend! We are also praying that we are able to somehow make the trip to Roma this fall for his priestly ordination. Also, the mother in law of Joshua’s boss passed away yesterday, her funeral is this week, Eternal Rest Grant Unto Her O Lord and May the Perpetual Light Shine Upon Her.
Something that makes me smile: One of the pictures from my phone from yesterday.
C got honey in her hair. M is milkless and had to be bribed to smile. K brought friends to the table.
72 and sun is expected today, schoolwork then allday recess!