Just so you know…

…there are more than a few people out there upset with Mr. Santorum’s voting record.

Mr. Bill Greene, from Georgia, wrote this in response to Georgia Right To Life’s endorsement of Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich.

Georgia Right to Life’s PAC has announced their endorsements in the Republican Presidential Primary.


In their endorsement announcement, they stated: “Republican presidential candidates Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum today received the endorsement of the Georgia Right to Life Political Action Committee (GRTL PAC)… [GRTL President Dan] Becker noted that both Gingrich and Santorum have signed the ‘Personhood Pledge.’ In it, they agree to support a personhood amendment to the U.S. and state constitutions. Such an amendment would guarantee a constitutional right to life for every human being, from the moment of conception until natural death.”

They went on to say, “The organization did not endorse Governor Mitt Romney or Congressman Ron Paul because of their compromise on life issues. Referring to Romney and Paul, Crozier said ‘Governor Romney still supports abortion in the case of rape and incest, and Congressman Paul recently indicated in certain cases, he does as well.’ While Congressman Paul did sign the personhood pledge his recent interview on CNN invalidates his claim, Governor Romney has publicly declined to sign any prolife pledge.”

Well, at least they got it right on Romney, the “father of the $50 state-funded abortion” in Massachusetts. But they blew it on Santorum and Gingrich — and they REALLY blew it on Paul.

Rick Santorum is not only NOT conservative on issues of limited government and following the Constitution; his claims to be “pro-life” fall short as well. As a United States Senator, Santorum voted to subsidize Planned Parenthood with federal taxpayer subsidies:


Santorum also voted to federally prosecute peaceful pro-life protestors demonstrating outside abortion clinics:


And let’s not forget how he repeatedly endorsed pro-abortion candidates over pro-life candidates, such as former Pennsylvania Sen. Arlen Specter and former New Jersey Governor Christine Todd Whitman:



Sorry, GRTL: those are NOT pro-life positions. They’re not even conservative, Constitutional positions. You blew it on Rick Santorum.

As for Newt Gingrich, whom you also endorsed, he claims that he had a solidly pro-life voting record while he was in Congress. Well, so does Ron Paul; in fact, he almost always scored a big fat ZERO PERCENT with NARAL, one of the leading pro-abortion groups in the nation. At their http://www.prochoiceamerica.org/ website, they wrote about Paul, “During his years in Congress, Rep. Paul voted 106 times on choice-related issues. Ninety-three of those votes were anti-choice. On the occasions he voted pro-choice, Paul often made speeches on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives to explain why and to reaffirm his anti-choice views.” (I’m sure you understand that “anti-choice” is the pro-aborts’ term for “pro-life”.)

And let’s not forget that Paul introduced legislation that would have REVERSED Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton, preventing activist judges from interfering with state decisions on life by removing abortion from federal court jurisdiction through his “We the People Act.” AND that he introduced legislation, the “Sanctity of Life Act,” defining life as beginning at conception.

Paul’s signing of the “Personhood Pledge” is consistent with his strong pro-life stance, as laid forth at http://www.ronpaul2012.com/the-issues/abortion/ where he states that his “experience in science and medicine only reinforced his belief that life begins at conception.” But Georgia Right to Life says that Paul’s pledge and clear beliefs are “invalidated” by his one interview on CNN, where he stated that, as a strong pro-life obstetrician, he believed that giving a rape victim an immediate contraception is acceptable because there’s absolutely no scientific or medical way to know if a baby was conceived during the rape.

Really, GRTL? That’s why you didn’t endorse Paul – because, despite clearly stating his belief that life begins at conception, you felt that this statement shows that somehow, he isn’t really pro-life?


Gingrich goes much further than you purport Paul does on this issue of when life begins: He doesn’t even believe life begins at conception, despite signing the Pledge:


http://townhall.com/tipsheet/katiepavlich/2011/12/02/gingrich_life_begins_at_implantation_not_conception How do you justify endorsing Gingrich, who would obviously agree with the idea that giving a rape victim an immediate contraception is acceptable — SINCE LIFE BEGINS AT IMPLANTATION, in his mind — but you reject Paul?

My friends at Georgia Right to Life, YOU BLEW IT. You endorsed Rick Santorum, who voted to subsidize Planned Parenthood with federal taxpayer subsidies, voted to federally prosecute peaceful pro-life protestors demonstrating outside abortion clinics, and repeatedly endorsed pro-abortion candidates over pro-life candidates; you endorsed Newt Gingrich, who believes that life begins at “implantation,” NOT at conception; and you rejected Ron Paul, a 100% consistent pro-life obstetrician who introduced legislation that would reverse Roe v. Wade, has delivered over 4,000 babies, and believes life begins at conception.

My recommendation? Retract your endorsements altogether — and stay out of the presidential primaries this year. Let’s save babies right here in Georgia.

Filed under: General Stuff

This Week in Saints

This week there are only two saints on the calendar in the United States, St. Cyril, Monk and St. Methodious, Bishop. The Collect from the Mass on Tuesday, the Feast of St. Cyril and St. Methodoious:

“Father, you brought the light of the Gospel to Slavic nations through St. Cyril and his brother St. Methodius. Open our hearts to understanding your teaching and help us to become one in faith and praise. Grant this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.”

Brothers, Sts. Cyril 827–869 and Methodious  827–885 are celebrated for brining the message of Jesus to the Slavic worlds, starting first with Morovia (current Czech Republic) in 842. There until 856, they perfected the Cyrillic alphabet then translated both the bible and the liturgy.

In 867 the two brothers came to Rome, were met by Pope Hadrian II (867-872) and the whole papal court. They gave a report of their labors but encountered opposition on the part of jealous clergy who took offense, it was said, because of their liturgical innovations. Cyril and Methodius explained their methods and from the Pope himself received episcopal consecration (868). Soon after, Cyril died at Rome, only forty-two years old, and was buried in St. Peter’s; later his body was transferred to San Clemente, where his remains still rest. His funeral resembled a triumphal procession. (From catholicculture.org)

St. Methodious went back to Moravia and continued his mission of spreading the Gospel to the Slavic people. He was called back to Rome at some point to defend his use of the Slavic language during the liturgy. At that time, the Pope made him an archbishop and he returned to Moravia. There he continued to convert Slavic people, including the Duke of Bohemia and his wife. Legend has it that he travelled as far as Moscow and erected the diocese of Kiev. He returned to Bohemia and died in 885. When he was buried, the funeral liturgy was held in Latin, Greek, and Slavic.

They were made co-Patrons of Europe, along with (our beloved) St. Benedict of Norcia, by Blessed John Paul II in 1980.

To celebrate this great feast, you can: make (and feast on)  španělské ptáčky, Pierogi, dumplings or even an apple strudel. Also, take a moment to learn about the Slavic people and the persecution they experienced under Communism. Pray for the conversion of all Slavic people to the truth of the Gospel.

Sts. Cyril and Methodious are patrons of: Bohemia; Bulgaria; Czech Republic; Czechoslovakia; Europe; Moravia;  Yugoslavia;  ecumenism;  and unity of the Eastern and Western Churches.

Filed under: General Stuff, this week in saints

My Beloved St. Josemaria Escriva

“Have you ever bothered to think how absurd it is to leave one’s Catholicism aside on entering a university, or a professional association, or a scholarly meeting, or a congress, as if you were checking your hat at the door?” – the Beloved St. Josemaria Escriva

Filed under: Catholic, Social Commentary

Yeah, let’s just not count those votes…

“The totals reflected about 84 percent of the state’s precincts. Webster insisted that any caucus results that come in after Saturday wouldn’t be counted no matter how close the vote. “Some caucuses decided not to participate in this poll and will caucus after this announcement,” Webster said. “Their results will not be factored in. The absent votes will not be factored into this announcement after the fact.”


That is not how the Maine Caucuses work! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maine_Republican_caucuses,_2012

The 2012 Maine Republican caucuses will be held from January to March, 2012, at various locations throughout the state of Maine. The Maine Republican Party is encouraging all municipal committees to hold their caucuses between February 4th to the 11th, though each committee is free to choose a different date.The first caucus was in Waldo county on January 29th, and the last one in Hancock on March 3rd.

So, did the Maine GOP disenfranchise a whole segment of the population? Regardless of who you support in Maine, votes are votes and they need to be counted.

For the record, this has nothing to do w/Ron Paul, I promise! It is my disgust over the fact that the GOP in Maine is changing the rules mid -game.

Filed under: American Liberties

Potty Training

Seeings as God sees fit to make me wait for another child (I am learning to be patient and trust in God’s will, even when it comes to the “I want another child” side of fertility…no charting either way) we are getting a move on potty training Benedict.

I usually put a snap diaper or training pants on him during the day. Yesterday, during a trip to T.arget, I purchased him some more training pants, ones with cute little dinosaurs on them. We put them on him today and he seemed to do pretty well, accidents left and right, but it is more the point that we learn his cues for bathroom needs.

I learned one of them this afternoon. If he crawls all over me and tries to sit on my lap, remove anything in his way and sit in the middle of my belly/chest, that means he is poopy.

Thanks Benedict.

I am looking forward to having him potty trained though. We don’t put time limits on the kids and we are content with however long it takes and are more than willing to deal with the messes, so I know this may be a long road.

*As a side, it is COLD here in South Georgia. We have a hard freeze warning for tonight and tomorrow. Guess who did their out door planting and has little seedlings to go cover up tonight. I might actually turn the heat pump on tonight to keep the house warm.

Filed under: General Stuff


I just want all my readers to know that I write this blog and I approve all content before things are posted. Joshua, my husband, has posted only one time on this blog and I asked him to do so.

I received this comment on my blog, in response to a post I wrote :


Joshua, I feel so sorry for you small-minded haters. You certainly aren’t following the teachings of Christ by going around judging and bashing good men like Rick Santorum. You give Ron Paul all sorts of room to double-back on his word. You insist that the readers see what Ron Paul “really meant” by twisting his words to fit your agenda, yet you don’t give any room for explanation with Rick Santorum. He is a good, Catholic man. He is, as the rest of us (yourselves excluded of course), on a journey to the truth. Aside from the Facemyers, the rest of us are not perfect and don’t have ALL the answers to EVERYTHINNG. We are learning and growing in our faith – not perfectfly formed. You people need to stop the self-righteous hate campaign you have going against anyone who remotely disagrees with you. It’s ugly, anti-Christian and sad. This used to be a nice blog to read before Joshua turned it into his personal soapbox of hateful assaults. Man up, respect your wife and let her get back to sharing the beauty of motherhood with us. We are sick of your political views.


This is my response to it (in addition to the one my husband has posted as a reply to the comment, as it attacked the both of us):

How are we haters? When, in any of my posts, have I said anything other than that facts to be considered?

Am I going around bashing and judging good men (and by this we all know it means Santorum)? No, I am simply putting out his own words and trying to figure out: How is he considered the best pro-life candidate? and How is he in line with the teachings of the Church regarding just war?

I have never once in any of my posts “twisted” Dr. Paul’s words to make him sound better or to fit my desires of what I want him to be.

I too am on a journey for truth. I am also tired of being lied to. I am tired of candidates standing up and saying they are pro-life, then voting to fund organizations like planne.d paren.thoo.d. For example, just last night, I was reading up on bills that Dr. Paul and Rick Santorum have voted on. (Yes, I do things like that, cause I am a political geek.) While my research on the subject is not completed yet, I did discover that George W. Bush increased funding for Title X and signed budgets over his years in office that continued that funding. I was horrified. I campaigned for that man, I voted not once, but 3 times for him (Michigan Primaries 2000, General Election 2000 and in the General Election of 2004.) While I wasn’t a fan of him by the time 2004 rolled around (mainly because of the war in Iraq) I voted for him because I thought he was a pro-life (in terms of abortion) man who would defend life in our country. Now I just want to shower and get the 12 hours I spent making phone calls and working a meet and greet and my three votes back.

As far as getting an explanation for Santorum, how does one justify saying: “On occasion, if scientists working on the nuclear program in Iran turn up dead I think that is a wonderful thing. I think we should send a very clear message, if you are a scientist… working on nuclear weapons, you are not safe”. And how does one justify, really justify, voting for a budget that has funding for PP in it? Doesn’t that just insult all of us who have prayed in front of clinics, prayed rosaries, held rallies, working for the protection of the most innocent lives?

I am far from perfect, by the way; ask my husband, ask my children, ask my confessor, ask God. (Go ahead, I give you permission.) Again, I am on the search for truth. I am not perfectly formed in my faith either, that is why I work hard and pray for direction from God. I seek counsel of good, holy priests and ask hard questions. When on retreat last month, I asked our retreat master if he could talk to me about just war, I posed questions and he answered them. I learned a bit but over all I was confirmed in the knowledge that we cannot go around hurting/attacking other people, we are not allowed to preemptively attack a country because they might be doing something bad. And yes, this priest was solid, not wishy washy, not liberal, just a good solid priest.

I am hurt that anyone would think that I have a “self-righteous hate campaign” toward anyone who disagrees with me. You know me, you know I am not that kind of person, nor is Joshua.

“This used to be a nice blog to read before Joshua turned it into his personal soapbox of hateful assaults. Man up, respect your wife and let her get back to sharing the beauty of motherhood with us.” This is probably the most laughable, and sad, line. If you look at my posts you will see that I seldom post about politics and often post about the children and our activities. If you do the math, in the past six months 13.6% of my posts have been about Dr. Paul or Rick Santorum, hardly anything to get that upset about.

Also, as I said in the first line, I write my own posts. Furthermore, the person who wrote this hid behind a fake name and email address, so if we do want to talk about manning up, use your real name and information, or, since you know us, send an email or a letter or call us. Finally, are you saying that I am not allowed to have a mind or thoughts of my own? That if I am doing something other than diapers, folding laundry or making dinner, that must come from Joshua and not me? That is just insulting.

“We are sick of your political views”. Interestingly, I have had people thank me, both here  and  here and via email/facebook for standing up and speaking my mind about Dr. Paul and against candidates who are not what they say they are.

Lastly, let me say that I am not the only person who has noticed this and who is standing up against the idea that Santorum is the most pro-life candidate out there. Many people in the pro-life movement here in Georgia find it insulting that Santurum was endorsed, along with Gingrich, by the Georgia Right to Life group. This isn’t a campaign by us Facemyers to bash or judge Rick Santorum, it is a campaign for me (Beth Facemyer) to get people to wake up to the fact that Rick Santorum is not all he claims to be.


Filed under: American Liberties, General Stuff, Social Commentary

Microsoft Users

Please note that they are supporting sa.me se.x marria.ge in Washington now. In good conscience, you can no longer use a Microsoft product. Yes, there are alternatives to Microsoft. Ubuntu or another Linux distribution is a good place to start and it is free!  Macs are a real alternative too if you must have expensive software. There is NO reason to support this company any longer.


Filed under: General Stuff

{pretty, happy, funny, real}

~ Capturing the context of everyday life ~

round button chicken

Today I am linking up with Like Mother, Like Daughter for {pretty, happy, funny, real}



Two weeks ago, we went to the Okefenokee Swamp and took a 90 minute boat tour of the swamp, here the kids are, ready for anything. (we did see a few alligators and a few herons.)


Have you ever said “I’m going to start going to bed early.”, only find yourself unable to do so, or with so many things to do, you just cannot get in bed before 11? That was me last night. My coffee was a beautiful sight this morning!



Ah, coffee with cream, perfect.


Karol doing science and Margaret working on Mathmanatics (her word). I started her with the subject yesterday and she has worked through almost 40 (yes forty) pages!



I put potty pants on Benedict during the day, to help aid in potty training. These ones were sliding down his legs just a bit, so I told him to pull them up. He instead pulled them off and put them on his head. Yeah, that’s my boy.



Laundry. I have gotten a bit behind and this weekend is full of things to go and do, so I am working on getting it all caught up today. These are the clothes from the kids. I was theirs separably from us, so that folding and putting away is easier. (that also means I have a total of six loads to do, plus diapers later!)

Filed under: phfr, {pretty, happy, funny, real}



I believe, Mr. Santorum, you were elected, in some part, on your pro-life convictions, therefore, you should have stood up and said that you would not vote for a budget that funded any sort of abortifacient birth control and voted no, it’s called INTEGRITY.


Filed under: American Liberties, Catholic, General Stuff

This Week in Saints

On the calendar this week, we celebrate the feasts of St. Paul Miki and Companions (February 6), St Jerome Emiliani and St. Josephine  Bakhita (February 8), St. Scholastica (February 10) and Our Lady of Lourdes (February 11).

  • St. Paul Miki and his Companions lived in 16th Century Japan. They were martyred by being hung on crosses and shot with arrows. You can read more about them here.
    • Ideas to celebrate the feast day: Pray for the persecuted members of the Church, read of the history of the Church in Japan, or  prepare a Japanese meal for dinner.
  • St Jerome Emiliani, founder of the Order of Somascha, was a soldier prior to his conversion in the early 1500s. After being ordained a priest, he set up schools for children, mostly orphans. He is the patron of orphans and abandoned people.
    • Ideas to celebrate his feast day: Read about his life here, pray for orphans and abandoned people, and read about the order he founded.
  • St. Josephine Bakhita was born in the Dafur region of the Sudan, in the 1800s. At a young age she was kidnapped and sold in to slavery, eventually she was sold to an Italian man in the Sudan who eventually took her to Italy and gave her to a friend. She was the caregiver for this friend’s child and attended catechism classes with her. She eventually entered the Church, taking the name Josephine. In time, she fought for her freedom and won, then entered the Institute of Saint Magdalene of Canossa. She is the patron of the Sudan.
    • Ideas for her feast day: Pray for the people of the Sudan, read the encyclical Spe Salvi, as in it,Pope Benedict XVI discusses her,or read about the plight of the people in the Sudan, and ask for her intersession.
  • St. Scholastica is the twin sister of St. Benedict, the father of Western Monasticism. There is a wonderful story about St. Benedict visiting her at a house and in her desire to spend the evening talking with about heaven, asked him to stay. He told her he was not able to stay away from the monastery and prepared to leave. St. Scholastica then prayed and a sudden storm  blew up. St. Benedict was not able to leave due to the rain and said to his sister  “‘What have you done?’ Scholastica simply answered, ‘When I appealed to you, you would not listen to me. So I turned to my God and He heard my prayer. Leave now if you can. Leave me here and go back to your monastery.” In the end, he stayed and they talked the whole night long. She died three days later. Tradition holds that St. Benedict saw her soul ascend to Heaven in the form of a dove.  She is the patron against rain,  convulsive children,  nuns, and storms.
    • Ideas for her feast day: talk to your children about the brother and sister saints and how much they love each other, color a picture of a dove, pray the liturgy of the hours, and read more about St. Scholastica here. 
  • Our Lady of Lourdes is a feast we celebrate in honor of Our Lady’s first apparition to St. Bernadette in Lourdes, France.
    • Ideas for celebrating the feast: bless your children with holy water, place flowers before your Marian statue at home, watch the 1943 version of  The Song of Bernadette, and sing a song to Our Lady 


Filed under: Catholic, this week in saints