Benedict’s Personality
Picture it, a fight erupting among three siblings. The fourth is siting quietly on Mama’s lap, enjoying a bottle.
Fighting turns to screeching and crying and wailing. The sound of 1000 toes being cut off emanates through the living room.
Benedict takes his mouth off the bottle for a second, smiles at his Mama then goes back to eating. That”s Benedict.
Under the weather….over the moon…
…in love with this little boy:
I will get back to posting when I am feeling a bit better. In the mean time, can someone tell me how to take care of the kids and the house and be sick at the same time?
The Homeschool Mother’s Journal – II
Firetrucks are cool!
Today, the kids were playing in the backyard and I was putzing around the house, when I heard a truck outside. I peeked out the window, wondering if I was the delivery I am expecting, and saw a firetruck. The firemen got out and started walking toward the house, so I peaked out the back window at the kids, still there, still drawing with chalk so back to the firemen. They stopped at the hydrant on the corner and opened it. At that point I called the kids in to watch and they were thrilled.
The best part though was when the firemen went back to the truck, saw the two kids standing in the window, and waved. The kids waved back, then the firemen put on the lights (no sound, just lights) and the kids thought it was great!
Thanks, City of Valdosta Fire Department, you guys are awesome!
Monday Musings – Last Day of January
Right now…it is 11:45, overcast and 62 degrees out side. Inside it is loud and crazy and the oldest boy is being mean to his siblings and has been sent to his room 4 times this morning.
This weekend was…lonely. Joshua was at the FOCUS Conference in Nashville and I was all alone. Well, I had the kids, so I wasn’t all alone, but I certainly missed my helpmate. Joshua left on Friday and came back late last night. He got to have a Catholic Family Reunion with members of the Fathers of Mercy, Sister Lois from the Sisters of St. Francis of Perpetual Adoration, some guys from Seminary, and Joanie Watson. In addition to that, he got to stay at the Opryland Hotel.
I, on the other hand, spent time chasing the kids around and learning about new cartoons on Hulu. The kids spent a lot of time outside, a lot of time, which was nice. Normally if Joshua is out of town, dinner via a drive-thru is a given, but not this weekend, I made all of our meals, which was actually pretty nice. I started a new mystery novel this weekend and am about 1/3 of the way through it. I looked up some homeschooling conferences and am trying to decide which ones I want to attend. Tampa? Atlanta? Jacksonville? Decisions! I think for some of them, I will have to wait for the schedule to come out and see who the speakers are.
I also looked up the Spring Training schedule for the Detroit Tigers. Since Lakeland is only 4 hours away, I hope to go. The Wings are playing in the area soon and I would love to go to a game, maybe next year.
We had made plans to go to Mass here in town and sit with the wife of Joshua’s boss, but I needed to go out to Moultrie to pick up ground beef for our parish spaghetti dinner this week. (We are one of the families making the sauce) So we went to Mass by ourselves and the kids were great! I mean, okay, well…. We got to Mass on time, with enough time to participate in the rosary before Mass. We sat in the back pew, in the event that I needed to make a hasty exit. That hasty exit happened after Communion, when C thought it would be fun to lay in the center aisle. We went to the cry room for the rest of Mass then headed home.
After Mass the kids played outside until lunch was ready, then Michele (Sam’s wife) dropped of her son so I could watch him while she went to their daughter’s ballet recital. He sat on my lap for a long time, then sat on the couch next to me, holding my hand, until he discovered the trains.
After they left, I was planning on ordering Chinese, had the order ready then saw that they place was closed on Sunday. The other delivery place in town doesn’t have an menu on line, so we scratched that idea and had hot dogs, carrots and potato chips.
I let the kids stay up late, so they were up when Joshua came home and I think he really liked that. I really liked that. I love how much these kids love their Papa! He is such a good Papa (and husband).
Some plans for this week: School, Parish Fundraiser and that is about it.
If I have some time to myself, I want to…read more of the novel and avoid the laptop. (This is getting easier and easier, oddly enough)
Prayer intentions for this week: For patience, acceptance of God’s Will and for Mothers.
Something that makes me smile: Joshua stopping at the Lodge Cast Iron Outlet to pick up a 2 qt serving pot for me to bake bread it!
For more musings, check here!
I know the sun is a great source of Vitamin D and according to the Mayo Clinic: “The sun also contributes significantly to the daily production of vitamin D, and as little as 10 minutes of exposure is thought to be enough to prevent deficiencies.” That is just 10 minutes a day, in natural sunlight, outside.
However, I have to ask:
What is up with people tanning? Why, why, why are they putting their health at risk? Do they actually think they look good? Wasn’t there a big deal made out of cancer and tanning in the 80s and that is why we all slather on sunscreen and most beauty products have a sun protection factor?
Also, is it a regional thing? In Georgia people are tanned, but they aren’t orange, they have a natural looking glow. However, Ohio had its fair share of orange people.
Stop the madness, step away from the tanning booth people.
Prayer Request
Could you spare a few prayers for a young woman named Alyssa Hichborn? She had an aneurysm burst on her kidney and is in surgery right now. They had to removed her kidney and may have to amputate her leg. Also, she just gave birth to her third child on Thursday.
Saint Benedict, ora pro nobis.
Springtime in South Georgia
Yes, it is springtime here in South Georgia. Here is a snippet of the 10 day forecast:
This past week was a bit cooler, highs only in the low sixties, but the kids have been out every single day, for hours playing and playing and playing. Margaret got a jump rope from my sister for Christmas and loves using it. Karol rides his bike or climbs trees, then do things to show off to his sisters or his mother. Yesterday was chalk drawing day. They spent two hours in the morning and another one and a half in the afternoon writing and drawing on the driveway.
Six months of humidity and six months of this. I think I really could get used to it.
The Homeschool Mother’s Journal-I
Nancy over at Be Not Afraid posted her first “The Homeschool Mother’s Journal”. She got the meme from Sue, The Homeschool Chick. I figured I would participate too, as I would like to keep a journal in our slow homeschool journey, as well as to get ideas from other homechooling families out there, so here it goes: