This weekend…was wonderful, just wonderful. I will do a whole blog post with more details of our trip, but I will touch on the highlights here. Thursday we made a traditional Thanksgiving dinner then headed out to Mass in Moultrie then on to Birmingham, Alabama for the night. We caught a few hours of sleep then headed over to EWTN for Mass and a visit with our friend, Brother John Paul. We had a personal tour of EWTN, on a day when tours were cancelled (they do that for the Thanksgiving weekend). We hit the road shortly after noon, made a quick pilgrimage to the Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament, then headed on to Franklin, KY where we were spending the weekend.
We were in Kentucky to attend the wedding of a friend of ours and catching up with friends we know from the Fathers of Mercy. Karol was one excited little boy when he saw his Priest-Hero, Fr. Wade. Sunday we were able to assist at Mass with the Fathers of Mercy in their Divine Mercy Chapel, it was a great treat. I was able to go to Confession after Mass, something I had hoped to do BEFORE Mass, but when one doesn’t know who to set her alarm clock and hotel blackout curtains, one tends to run late for Mass!
We had such a great time this weekend, it was hard to say good bye!
Some plans for the week…work on finances, organise** a few things, work on a plan of the O Antiphons and oh yeah, celebrate Caecilia’s Second Birthday!!!
If I can find time for myself, I want to…clean off my desk and set up and area for sewing and my laptop.
Some prayer intentions for the week: For a renewal for those in the Church, to grow more in love with Love Himself this weekend.
Something that makes me smile: Hearing my son say he wants to pray like a priest. Here is a picture from this past Palm Sunday, wearing his Priest-Hero’s collar:
**Spell check to British English and I am a bit too lazy to change it ;))
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