International Day of the Midwife

I have been blessed to have had all of my children at home, under the watchful eye of a midwife.

As we have moved a lot, and one of our midwives moved, I  have had a different midwife with each child, and two with Benedict.

But each of those women have been supportive and have helped me to have the best birth possible…and never batted an eye when I wasn’t very nice during transition.

They did not push their opinions on us, only gave options. Nothing was forced on us, no unnecessary interventions, no requirement to be at a certain point at a certain time, no one size fits all labor.  Nature has been our guide during each labor.

Thank you, my wonderful midwives, for all that you have done and continue to do!

Filed under: General Stuff

Southern Living

A few comments about living in The South.

First, today, I had a conversation with our pest control guy. About cockroaches. Where do I live? We have a few a month and I could bleach every night and we would still see them from time to time. Last week, we had dinner and a movie. Margaret screamed “Cockroach!” and flew (yes flew) from the floor to the recliner. (I ran to the dining room.) Joshua was a man and dealt with the situation. I told the pest control guy about this and he said they were trying to get away from the rain…and that cockroaches in the south are no different than having crickets.

Yeah, but crickets aren’t creepy looking!

Second, last night we were listening to the Wings game and man, what sort of accent do you Michiganders have? I am a native and I swear I don’t sound like that. Okay, maybe I do, but seriously, last night, the announcers and the commercials were very, uh, accented. Also, Wings, let’s aim for a win next time.

Filed under: General Stuff

An Introduction

I want to introduce you all to a new blogger in the blog world. I met this woman, in real life, just about 10 months ago, shortly after we moved to Georgia. She was the apprentice to my midwife, so I can honestly say that she got to know my belly, my blood pressure, my weight and my other check up stats before we got to know each other. She was at Benedict’s birth (she had taco bell for lunch that day, something I am sure she 1. doesn’t expect me to remember and 2. didn’t expect to have as I didn’t except to have a long labor!)  She took a picture Benedict on his way out and called the time of birth at the same time, she is that talented.

However, it was only after she stopped by to pick up some diaper covers for her new baby, five months later, that we discovered that we really had a lot in common, being Catholic, homeschooling and totally in to home birthing. While I am in denial that she is 11 years younger than me, she has become a true and good friend down here in South Georgia.

Edited to add: We have also been asked to be the Godparents to her beautiful little baby girl, Luca.

(I stole this picture from her blog, mwahahahahaha)

So, without further ado, I introduce to you, Cassie @ Beginning with Faith.

Filed under: General Stuff

Partly Cloudy, With a High of 79

Yes, I realize that a majority of my readers live in a land similar to Narnia under the reign of the White Witch. Yes I know that you live for the days when the sun just shines, regardless of the temperature. Furthermore, I get that you have only seen 70 degrees a handful of times since this year. I understand, I really do, that was me just a year ago!

No, this is not a post to complain about the above average temperatures (read lots of 90 degree days) we have been having here in South Georgia for close to three months now.

This post today is to tell you that I turned off the air conditioner and opened the windows today. I loathe turning on the a/c because I know  what my electric bill will look like in a month, but for the sake of the children and my husband, I do it. So, today it is chilly and the windows are open and things are airing out and I love it! I think we have another day like this on tap for tomorrow too! Yahoooooo!

Filed under: General Stuff

I Have Found a New Friend


The picture comes from my phone in a slightly darkened living room, so the picture is not all that great, but I wanted to introduce you,  now, at this moment, to my new friend, San Pellegrino Limonata. No HFCS and 18% lemon juice, a wonderful treat!

Filed under: General Stuff

On World Events

Osama Bin Laden – as everyone knows – has had the gravest responsibility for spreading hatred and division among people, causing the deaths of countless people, and exploiting religion for this purpose.

Faced with the death of a man, a Christian never rejoices, but reflects on the serious responsibility of everyone before God and man, and hopes and pledges that every event is not an opportunity for a further growth of hatred, but of peace.

Fr. P. Federico Lombardi – Vatican Press Office
(via the National Catholic Register)

Filed under: Catholic

Divine Mercy Sunday

In the 1930’s, a nun named Sister Faustina Kowalska, who lived in the convent of the Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy in Warsaw, Poland, experienced daily visions of Our Lord, in which He would tell her of His unfathomable mercy, and the need for the message of His mercy to be spread throughout the entire world.

On February 22, 1931, Jesus appeared to Sr. Faustina in a stunning vision. He was walking toward her, wearing a white garment, and bore the wounds on His hands, side and feet from His Crucifixion. His right arm was raised in blessing, His left hand opening his garment to reveal two rays of light that shone from His Sacred Heart. On the left was a red ray, and on the right was a white ray.
Jesus told Sr. Faustina, “The pale ray stands for the Water which makes souls righteous. The red ray stands for the Blood which is the life of souls. These two rays issued forth from the very depths of My tender mercy when My agonized Heart was opened by a lance on the Cross. Blessed is the one who will dwell in their shelter, for the just Hand of God will not lay hold of him.” (The Diary of Saint Faustina, Divine Mercy in My Soul, #299).

He told her, “Paint an image according to the pattern you see, with the words, ‘Jesus I Trust in You’. I desire that this image be venerated first in your chapel, and [then] throughout the world.” (Diary, #47).
Jesus told Sr. Faustina that He wanted a Feast of Mercy to be established on the first Sunday after Easter. On the Feast of Mercy, Jesus desires for priests to preach about His unfathomable mercy, and then to solemnly bless the Image of Divine Mercy, displaying it for public veneration.
On Divine Mercy Sunday, April 30, 2000, Pope John Paul II canonized Sister Faustina (the first Saint to be canonized in the New Millennium) and declared that from that day forward, the first Sunday after Easter would be Divine Mercy Sunday.
This year, Pope John Paul II will be beatified on Divine Mercy Sunday — May 1, 2011 — the very feast that he established, died on, and had such a great devotion to. May he intercede on our behalf, along with Saint Faustina Kowalska of the Most Blessed Sacrament, and may we follow their great and heroic examples.

(Thanks go to Bernadette for guest writing this blog post for me!)

Filed under: Catholic

{pretty, happy, funny, real}

On Friday, we celebrated Easter (yes it is still Easter!) by going to the Gulf of Mexico. I could live on the beach, I love the beach!


Such a pretty view, not only of my beautiful children, but also of the beautiful Gulf of Mexico at St. George Island State Park in Florida. This park is 3.5 hours from our house, but worth the drive; the water was perfect, the park was set up nicely and the beach was not too crowded.


Eight months ago we made our first trip to the Ocean. The kids were pretty hesitant about the whole thing.  This time? They ran into the water without concern, playing and splashing for close to four hours.


On previous trips to the Ocean, this one was either snug in my belly or not mobile. Now, he is mobile and exploring everything. He found some seaweed to snack on and really had a good time with it, that and the sand, he really liked to put sand in his mouth.



Thursday morning we had a tornado warning. The storm was hitting the south side of the county, so I was not too worried, but as a precaution, I stuck the kids in our shelter, aka the hallway. (Picture taken with my phone.)

*for more {pretty,happy,funny,real} check out Like Mother, Like Daughter

Filed under: {pretty, happy, funny, real}

Alleluia, He is Risen!

Last night our family went to the Vigil Mass at our parish, as is our tradition.

We were running a bit late as Karol’s shoe was missing. We have a shoe bin right by the back door and all the kids are to stop there before going any further and deposit their shoes there.Turns out it was in the van?!

Even though we were running behind, I was not going to leave the house before we took a few pictures. Little girls with bonnets and gloves.

The Papa was standing behind me, making faces and dancing to get the girls to smile. Margaret really was not in to it, but you can see that Karol decided to imitate his papa.

We managed one picture of the whole family, just so you can see that these children do, in fact, have parents.


Filed under: General Stuff